2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

John Deere Works for Ag Retailers

Cindy Zimmerman

Randy Kasperbauer and Chip Donahue at InfoAg

The ag retailers who supply products and services are the main point of contact between John Deere and the farmers who put them to work.

“They’re the ones that really serve the customer at the local level,” said Chip Donahue, manager of business segment strategy for Deere. He and colleague Randy Kasperbauer, product manager for the API platform, gave a presentation for retailers at the InfoAg Conference last week in St. Louis.

Kasperbauer says there are currently more than 80 commercial software companies integrated with the John Deere Operations Center. “And there’s upwards of a few hundred that are still exploring and evaluating the platform,” he said.

Listen to the interview and/or watch the Facebook Live video below.

Audio file: Interview with Chip Donahue and Randy Kasperbauer, John Deere

2017 InfoAg Conference Photo Album

Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by
Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by John Deere Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by CropTrak
AgWired Precision, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Video