RFA Ethanol Podcast

IntelinAir Debutes at #InfoAg17

Kelly Marshall

IntelinAir made its debut appearance at the InfoAg Conference in St. Louis, Missouri this week, letting the precision industry know they’re ready for businesses. Although they’ve been around for the past three years, they spent the first two in the lab, CEO and co-founder Al Eisaian tells us. For the first time this year they’re covering grower’s crops in Iowa and Illinois and next year they plan to take the company even further.

IntelinAir stands for Intelligence in Air, Eisaian says, because the company does more than just take arial images. Instead they consider themselves to be in the analytics business, taking those images and using proprietary algorithms to spot issues. The main areas of focus are early season emergence problems, weed detection, and anomalies that could arise from issues like compaction, equipment problems, tiling issues or weather damage.

“We bring all that imagery, push it to the cloud, and then that’s when everything starts,” Eisian explains.  “The stitching work starts and all the analysis that shows what anomalies are present in the field- and after all the analysis is done in a matter of 24 to 48 hours then we push it to farmer’s iPads.”

For growers who haven’t looked into ariel imagery for actionable solutions recently, Eisian suggests they revisit the issue. The technology has improved a lot in the last few years, he says, and it’s much more accessible now than it has been.

To learn more about IntelinAir, listen to my interview here: Interview with Al Eisaian, IntelinAir

2017 InfoAg Conference Photo Album

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Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by John Deere Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by CropTrak
AgWired Precision, Audio, Info Ag