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#AgMedia Student Award Winners

Jamie Johansen

Ag Media Summit is in full swing here in Snowbird, Utah. The Livestock Publication Council (LPC) and American Ag Editors’ Association (AAEA) student awards and recognition luncheon honored the future of our industry. Special thanks to the Pork Checkoff for sponsoring the wonderful lunch we had.

The LPC Forrest Bassford student award winner was Topanga McBride, Kansas State University. Alltech was honored to again sponsor the award. Runners up included: Katie Friedrichs, Oklahoma State University; Taylor Belle Matheny, Kansas State University; and Jill Seiler, Kansas State University.

The AAEA Jim Evans award winner was Jackie Newland, Kansas State University. Runners up included: Shalin Lawson, West Texas A&M; Lindsay Robinson, University of Missouri; and Audrey Schmitz, Kansas State University.

Both young ladies will be seniors and are actually best friends. We wish them all the luck as they wrap up their college careers and jump into the hunt for a job in the rewarding field of agricultural communications.

View and download photos here: 2017 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

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ACN, Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, LPC