RFA Ethanol Podcast

SMART Farmer Podcast with Chip Bowling

Cindy Zimmerman

Our new SMART Farmer podcast episode features Maryland grain farmer Chip Bowling, vice chairman of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance who was recently in Panama with the U.S. Grains Council. He talks about his family farm, which is located almost in the shadow of the DC beltway, and how he uses the latest innovation and technology to be more sustainable so his operation will stay in his family.

Listen to the podcast here: SMART Farmer Podcast with Chip Bowling

It’s a great set up for the Commodity Classic in San Antonio this week, which is where we will all be this week. USFRA will have an exhibit featuring the SMART Farm launch and USFRA’s new 360-degree video, which utilizes a virtual reality (VR)-style headset. USFRA will also sponsor a learning center session on Saturday morning, March 4 on how “GMOs and Sustainability – Go Hand ‘n Hand.” We will be visiting with a few of the SMART farmers at Classic and will feature them in upcoming podcasts.

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Audio, Podcasts, USFRA