2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Vote for @USFRA New Faces of Farming and Ranching

Cindy Zimmerman

Here’s one vote you can be happy to cast this year!

usfra-facesPublic voting for the third class of U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance® (USFRA®) Faces of Farming and Ranching has begun and will run through October 23. Eight finalists for the third class of USFRA Faces were announced last month and the final five will be announced November 9 at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting.

Visit USFRA’s Facebook Page to learn more about each of the finalists and then vote for the one you believe best represents the passion and innovation behind today’s agriculture. The Facebook voting through ShortStack will appear as a tab on USFRA’s Facebook page (it’s one vote per 24 hours).