2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer’s Showcase Plot Tour Offers Real-Life Education

Kelly Marshall

bayer-showcase-illinois-28-edited Daren Bohannan is a Technical Development Representative for Bayer and he took some time to talk with AgWired’s Jamie Johansen about Bayer’s first annual Showcase Plot Tours in central Illinois. The tours allow growers and retailers to get out in the field and see Bayer’s products in action. They’ve got everything from seed treatments and herbicides, to the Liberty Link system and the whole line up of Credenz on display.

“It’s an educational process, not just a sales pitch for our products,” Bohannan explains. “And actually how to use them right and incorporation with other companies products, because we don’t have a portfolio that covers everything that a grower might need, so we’re always trying to work together on that type of situation.”

Bohannan also spoke with Jamie about Sudden Death Syndrome and Bayer’s ground-breaking treatment designed to suppress and control the pathogen that causes SDS. “We’ve seen tremendous benefit to growers in the last two years,” he says.

Learn more about the Showcase Plot Tours in Jamie’s interview: Interview with Daren Bohannan, Bayer

Bayer Showcase Days Photo Album

Agribusiness, Bayer, Events