2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

I Am @USFRA – #Pork Producer Doug Wolf

Cindy Zimmerman

usfra-wolfFormer National Pork Producers Council president Doug Wolf of Wisconsin has been involved in the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) since it started five years ago.

“It’s been exciting to see it start as a seedling and develop into what it is today,” says Wolf. “We just wanted to be part of the conversation and tell what’s really happening on the farm instead of having somebody else tell what they think is going on.”

Wolf says USFRA is helping to facilitate dialogue between farmers and consumers on a number of important issues. “The bigger ones we are looking at today are sustainability issues, such as the use of antibiotics,” he said, noting that the “Farmland” movie has really been beneficial in educating the public.

Listen to an interview with Doug here: Interview with Doug Wolf, Wisconsin pork producer


Audio, NPPC, Pork, USFRA