2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Food Labeling Efforts Supported by 1,000 Organizations

Kelly Marshall

CFSAFMore than 1,000 ag and food industry organizations have come together to show their support for the food labeling solution.  Co-chairs for the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food (CFSAF), Pamela Bailey and Charles Conner are excited by the show of support for this critical legislation and hope a letter to the Senate will demonstrate the necessity of moving forward quickly.

“The unparalleled support from across the nation and across America’s food producing community shows how important this legislation is and why the Senate should pass it quickly,” said Conner, President and CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. “The over 1,000 groups that signed this letter strongly support the Roberts-Stabenow legislative solution and urge action before the negative impacts of Vermont’s law increase.”

“This bill provides consumers access to more information than ever before in a way that doesn’t needlessly complicate the jobs of American family farmers and small businesses,” said Bailey, President and CEO of the Grocery Manufacturers Association. “The signers of this letter represent the people most directly responsible for producing our safe, affordable food supply. We ask that the Senate quickly bring this legislation up for a vote and pass it.”

The letter is addressed to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Harry Reid.  It requests leadership to act quickly on the bill. “We thank Chairman Roberts and Ranking Member Stabenow, for their strong leadership on this issue, and we ask that you schedule floor time and provide expedited consideration of this important and timely legislation,” the letter states. “We pledge to work with senators on both sides of the aisle to ensure quick passage of this bipartisan proposal.”

Ag Groups, Food