2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Retailers Hold Winter Board Meeting

Chuck Zimmerman

Daren CoppockThe agriblogger is on the highway again this week, moving to Washington, DC for a few days to work with the Agricultural Retailers Association at their Winter Board Meeting. ARA planned this right since the snow was a week ago and has been pretty well cleared up on the streets.

I talked with Daren Coppock, President/CEO, ARA, to have him tell us what the board and other members do when they come to Washington, DC just a few weeks after their annual meeting. One of the main reasons they schedule this meeting now is because it is a time when members are available. They will be conducting the business of the association through committee meetings leading up to a final board meeting mid week. Additionally, ARA members will hear from regulators and interact with legislators while they are here, addressing their priorities on the legislative front.

You can listen to my interview with Daren here: Daren Coppock, Agricultural Retailers Association

Ag Groups, ARA, Audio