RFA Ethanol Podcast

Agricultural Retailers Gather in California

Chuck Zimmerman

ARA ConventionThe 2015 ARA Conference & Expo is underway in Palm Desert, CA. Opening the general session this morning is Steve Peterson, Retired Director of Sourcing & Sustainability, General Mills. I’ll share an interview with him later.

We have a big crowd attending again this year. The theme is Performance. Precision. Passion. and the conference programs reflect those concepts. After a morning general session we’ll have afternoon breakouts on topics like millennials, using data, banking and finance.

This evening we’ll have an auction to raise money for ARAPAC, ARA’s political action committee.

I’ve got an online album of photos for your viewing and sharing pleasure here: 2015 Agricultural Retailers Conference & Expo Photo Album

Here’s more on the theme:

Ag Groups, ARA