2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Dawn White Getting Some Real Yield with LibertyLink

Chuck Zimmerman

Bayer CropScience Real Yield GameWe often think of weed resistance as being some kind of midwest and south phenomenon but think east U.S. as in South Carolina. Cindy spoke with farmer Dawn White for an episode of LibertyLink Real Yield Radio and you can hear what she has to say below.

Now, while you’re celebrating some Thanksgiving with the family how about trying the Real Yield Game and get yourself entered to win big with Bayer CropScience.

Visit www.realyieldgame.com and click on the promotion link.
1. Complete all fields in the registration or log-in process.
2. Select five fields in the game area to spray Liberty® to reveal incremental bushels of soybeans.
3. Look at the total number of incremental bushels of soybeans for all five fields in the silo and determine the prize won.

Limit three game plays per person – one game play for complete registration, one game play for completion of LibertyLink® Ratings/Reviews/Attributes, one game play for social sharing through the promotion website.

In the real world, missed weeds compromise real yield. The LibertyLink® system is simply a better solution that ensures you don’t lose yield from missed weeds. Choose LibertyLink® and Liberty® to maximize real yields with high-performing genetics and better weed control.

Here’s Dawn’s story:

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Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Seed, Soybean