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60,000 Expected for National FFA Conference

Kelly Marshall

ffa_logoThis is the last of the three-year visit of the National FFA Convention & Expo to Louisville.  Starting October 24 the guests will converge on the city to experience the event, with more than 60,000 expected.

“Amplify” is the theme for this year’s convention and expo. “With the opportunities we are given in our lives, we must take action and share the message of agriculture with others,” said 2015-16 National FFA President Andy Paul, a student at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Georgia. “It’s time we all amplify our voice when it comes to the message of agriculture, and boost our impact.”

Nine general sessions will draw FFA members together at the Kentucky Exposition Center. Students will have countless opportunities to engage exhibitors from more than 450 corporations, organizations and colleges at the expo inside the center. Other events will be held at venues downtown, in the suburbs and beyond.

This year marks the 85th anniversary of the National FFA Creed as well as the 50th anniversary of the merger of New Farmers of America, an agricultural organization for African-American students, with the National FFA Organization.

Rick Rigsby will the the kick-off keynote speaker for opening session, and past state FFA officer Amberley Snyder will share her story Friday morning.  Brad Montague will also speak on his idea for Kid President Friday night.

There were be more than 70 workshops, as well as industry tours to places like Papa John’s international headquarters and Ford’s Louisville assembly plant.  Member will have the opportunity to participate in community service too.

Next year the conference will be held in Indianapolis.

Ag Groups, Events, FFA