RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Website for USDA AMS

Cindy Zimmerman

USDAUSDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has launched a redesigned website (www.ams.usda.gov) to make it more user-friendly for stakeholders.

“Whether you are looking for information about our services, want to comment on proposed regulations, or are interested in selling food to USDA, our new website makes it easier to find the right information and tools,” said AMS Administrator Anne L. Alonzo.

AMS reports price and sales data for hundreds of commodities, purchases food for USDA feeding programs, implements and enforces organic standards under the National Organic Program, and offers technical assistance and grant funding to support local and regional food systems.

In addition to new task-related menus, the website features a responsive design that makes it easy to use on mobile devices. Users who previously bookmarked AMS Market News commodity price data or other information on the old website can still use the same links on the redesigned site.