Farm Financial Standards Councils Elects Neiffer

Kelly Marshall

FFSCThe Farm Financial Standards Council has elected Paul Neiffer (center) serve as president for 2015-16.

Neiffer is a principal with ClifftonLarsonAllen, LLP, in Kennewick. Neiffer is flanked to his right by Stephen Severe, CFO of Padlock Ranch, Ranchester, WY, who will serve as the organization’s vice president. The secretary/treasurer of the Council is Janice P. Bitter, vice president of Farm Credit East, Homer, NY.

While meeting in Kennewick the Council approved the adoption of new versions of the Financial Guidelines for Agriculture and the Management Accounting Guidelines for Agriculture. Both documents have undergone revisions to style and format and the new versions will become available in January 2016.

The Financial Guidelines were originally introduce in 1993 help guide farm and ranch owners / managers and their accounting teams to develop standardized financial recordkeeping formats and programs.

More information on all activities of the Council are available at

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