2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Please Take Precision Farming Survey

Chuck Zimmerman

I have been asked to help out Phil Bolton who is working on his Ag Econ Masters thesis. It involves a survey on the adoption of precision farming. Can you help out too? Take the survey or share it with someone who can. I know he’d really appreciate it.

Take survey here: Precision Farming Survey

Here’s some information from Phil on his project:

I have been working on my Master (Ag Econ) thesis which is “The Adoption of Precision Farming”. I have deliberately designed it to be short so we have a high completion rate. Primarily I am focused on the NAFTA region.

What I plan to learn from the survey is farmer attitudes to PF technologies (specific to Variable Rate Application or VRA). This will help to understand a couple of things (just a sample of ideas):

1. To understand the main barriers to the technology.
2. To understand the current adoption rate.
3. To find the importance of information sources.

Precision Agriculture