2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Apple ZimmWatch Setup and Ready for the Road

Chuck Zimmerman

Chuck's Apple WatchMy Apple Watch just arrived this week and I have completed setup with a personal Apple assistant (nice touch Apple). I’ll need to practice but I’ve already made and received texts on it, a phone call, snapped a photo remotely with my iPhone and set up my activity goals. I already got reminded to stand and walk around for a minute.

My first big test of the Watch will be on the road next week to Milan, Italy and Expo Milano with New Holland!

My first impressions include:

  • My sport model and band feel very comfortable. The larger size is just right IMO.
  • Set up was easy and initial syncing with all my apps was fast. Quite a few already have Watch versions.
  • Notifications and Calendar integration is going to be very helpful.
  • I like being able to put both my Watch & iPhone in Airplane mode just from the Watch.

That’s a quick look at the ZimmWatch. After traveling with it I will certainly be writing more.
