RFA Ethanol Podcast

High Def Corn Planting

Chuck Zimmerman

Via Twitter alert from Robert Frye comes, “Iowa Corn Planting In High Definition.” Robert is obviously a drone pro judging by how he commanded his quad copter to take this gorgeous video. He published it on May 11, 2015.

Here’s how he described it on YouTube:

A “birds-eye-view” of Jim, Matt and Jay’s 2015 corn planting.
Please watch on full screen in full HD.
Please read music credit below.
The music selection title is metaphorical by design.
This video was shot on April 30th and May1st.
Thanks to Jim, Matt and Jay for allowing me to document their planting.
I hope this was not much of an inconvenience for them.
Flown with a DJI Inspire-1 and its 4K camera.
Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro 2014 CC

Music Credit:
Composer: Hans Zimmer
Selection: “In The Beginning”

Watch and enjoy.

Corn, Farming, Gadgets, Planting, Video