2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Brownfield NAMA Tradition Continues

Cindy Zimmerman

nama15-brownfieldIt was yet another memorable Brownfield party at the annual Agri-Marketing Conference last week in Kansas City. Can you believe it’s been 25 years? What was your favorite Brownfield party over the years? I’d have to say it was the Red Solo cup year at Howl at the Moon.

2015 Brownfield NAMA Party Photos

Because this year was a milestone, Cyndi Young and Tom Steever gave a special rendition of the Hank Williams Jr classic “Family Tradition” – it’s a Brownfield Tradition!

Click here for all of the lyrics and watch the video below.

All the NAMA partiers have been a real close family
But lately, some of my friends just can’t stay up as late as me
I guess it’s because we have a 25 year connection
Lord, tonight let’s just all celebrate our Brownfield tradition

They get on me and want to know
John, why do you we drink? Why can’t we roll smoke?
Why must we live out the contracts we wrote?
Over and over, everybody makes our predictions
So if we have fun, we’re just carrying on an old Brownfield tradition

I am very proud of the Brownfield name
And for twenty five years we must say we are glad you came.
Stop and think it over, put yourself in my position
If we get drunk and sing all night long, it’s a Brownfield tradition!

Media, NAMA, Video