RFA Ethanol Podcast

RFD Radio Network Moves Frazer to Director Position

John Davis

frazerIllinois-based RFD Radio Network (RFDRN) moves Rita Frazer to Director of Network and Audio Services, as the company gets ready to say goodbye to a retiring Alan Jarand. This news release posted on AgriMarketing.com says Frazer will oversee all RFDRN operations, including programming and affiliate relations for the network and FarmWeekNow.com/RFDRN digital platforms that include its mobile app, daily e-newsletter, and website.

With more than two decades of experience, Frazer joined the network full-time in 2011 after serving as farm director for WSMI-AM/FM in Litchfield, and helping produce RFDRN’s daily “RFD Illinois” morning program and “RFD Livestock Report.”

rfd-radioVeteran farm broadcaster DeLoss Jahnke joins the network as Network Anchor and Editor. Jahnke’s experience includes service as agribusiness director with WMBD-AM/FM and WIRL-AM/FM in Peoria, communications specialist with the National FFA Organization and as a farm broadcaster with the Brownfield and Kansas Agriculture Networks. WMBD/WIRL now broadcasts RFDRN’s Illinois-focused farm and rural issues programming.

Jarand, a three-decade veteran farm broadcaster, will serve the Bloomington, Ill.-based RFDRN part-time as he transitions to retirement. Jarand helped build RFDRN from a handful of affiliates and programs to over 80 stations and more than 20 long- and short-form programs broadcast Monday thru Saturday. Jarand continues to help produce and serve as lead host of the network’s hour-long “RFD Today” talk show and provide content for other network programs and digital platforms.

Agribusiness, Media