RFA Ethanol Podcast

BASF Invites Stakeholders to Discuss Food Future

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-150As part of activities to mark 150 years, BASF hosted a two-day “Creator Space” jamming event in Washington, D.C. last week to discuss the future of food.

The event brought together more than 30 stakeholders from the entire food value chain including farmers, academics, food manufacturers and logistic companies to discuss long-term challenges and trends that may impact the food value chain in the years to come.

During the jamming session, participants brainstormed ideas on topics such as affordability and access to food, personalized nutrition, transparency for consumers and food waste.

All ideas were condensed into three future scenarios: Brazil without water, personal “food-print”, and meat as a luxury item. This approach opens up a new dimension in understanding the needs related to food. The scenarios will be further discussed and refined to help find lasting contributions to society.

The event was jointly hosted by BASF’s Nutrition and Health division, the Crop Protection division and the Bioscience Research division. As a next step, BASF will host a co-creation workshop in Chicago in June with the aim of turning the experts’ insights into new projects and initiatives to support the future of food.

Find out more about BASF Creator Space in the video below:

BASF, Farming, Food, Video