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Syngenta Drive to Thrive Contest

John Davis

syngentaA new contest announced by a leading plant science company is designed to reward individuals and farming communities. Syngenta says its Drive to Thrive contest is now open and asks growers and other industry professionals to describe how agriculture makes their communities thrive. The 10 best entries will each receive a mini touch-screen tablet and leather case, with one grand prizewinner receiving a $500 gas card and a $1,000 Syngenta donation in his or her name to a local charity or civic organization.

“Agriculture is the engine that drives so many communities across the U.S. to succeed,” said Wendell Calhoun, communications manager at Syngenta. “The Drive to Thrive contest gives us a chance to reward and recognize a few individuals whose talents and hard work make U.S. agriculture the leader in feeding, fueling and clothing the world.”

The process to participate is simple:

Click on the easy-to-use online entry form.
In about 200 words, describe how agriculture makes your community thrive.
Then, upload a photograph or video that visually supports your written entry.

The deadline for entering is June 1, 2015, and 10 finalists will be chosen. Syngenta will then post all finalists’ entries on the Thrive website and ask visitors to help choose the grand prizewinner by voting for their favorite. These votes, along with the judges’ scores, will determine the winner. Online voting ends Sept. 1, 2015, with Syngenta announcing the grand prizewinner in October.

Agribusiness, Syngenta