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ZimmPoll Results Find Ban on U.S. Poultry Extreme

Jamie Johansen

New Holland ZimmPollOur latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Is China’s recent ban on imports of U.S. poultry & eggs justified?”

On January 8, the Chinese government imposed a nationwide restriction on U.S. imported poultry and eggs following the detection of avian flu in wild birds in the Pacific Northwest. There is no doubt the majority of those polled agree with the rest of the poultry industry in that this ban was unjustified and extreme. The longterm impact of this decision is unknown, but let’s hope our government can convince China that they have over reacted.

Here are the poll results:

  • Yes, better safe than sorry – 19%
  • No, unjustified & extreme – 68%
  • Undecided – 13%

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, What’s your favorite Super Bowl party food?

The 2015 Super Bowl is right around the corner. What’s the game without monumental commercials and mouthwatering food. We want to know your favorite Super Bowl party food. Do you prefer a bowl full of chili, hot wings that make you sweat or are you satisfied as long as it contains bacon?
