The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) was officially launched four years ago at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention and this year the organization announced a new chair.
Nancy Kavazanjian takes the seat following in the footsteps of American Farm Bureau Federation president Bob Stallman. Nancy hails from Wisconsin where she is a corn and soybean farmer, also serves as a director of the United Soybean Board, and has been communications director for the Wisconsin Corn Growers Association.
In our ZimmCast this week, we also hear from National Cattlemen’s Beef Association CEO Forrest Roberts, who has served on the USFRA board representing his organization since the alliance started in 2010. Roberts introduced the new Faces of Farming and Ranching at the NAFB convention, and he talked with our intern Taylor Truckey about that successful program as well as what he has seen USFRA accomplish in the last four years and what he is looking forward to in the future.