RFA Ethanol Podcast

Bayer Launches #Thankful4Ag Initiative

Cindy Zimmerman

be-thankfulBayer CropScience is helping to make the holiday season a bit brighter for Americans struggling with hunger by sponsoring #Thankful4Ag in conjunction with Feeding America®.

The social initiative aims to provide up to 200,000 meals from November 10-December 19. Bayer will donate up to $20,000 towards the effort.

bayer-cropscience“We are all indeed thankful for the contributions of our nation’s farming families and everyone who helps get food from the farm to people’s tables,” said Jim Blome, president and CEO of Bayer CropScience LP. “There is no better way to show our gratitude than to help provide nutritious meals to those who need them. We encourage everyone to join us and share a digital plate today to help those in need this holiday season.”

Launching today, #Thankful4Ag invites people to visit www.Thankful4Ag.com and create a “digital meal” showcasing three of their favorite classic holiday foods. As foods are added to the digital meal, the visitor will be provided interesting facts about the origin of those foods and learn more about their journey from farm to table. Every time someone creates and shares a meal, Bayer CropScience LP will donate 10 meals ($1 per share, $1=10 meals secured by Feeding America on behalf of member food banks) to food-insecure families through Feeding America.

“Bayer has been such a great partner to Feeding America in our ongoing fight to end hunger,” said Nancy Curby, vice president of corporate partnerships for Feeding America. “They continue to find creative ways to engage the public in hunger relief and spread awareness about our cause. The #Thankful4Ag campaign will benefit families in need this holiday season.”

Feeding America is the nation’s largest hunger-relief organization, and its network of 200 local food banks serves 46 million Americans struggling with hunger.

Bayer, Food, Social Media