send news release today

“Oh, The Places You’ve Been, And The Places You’ll Go!”

Melissa Sandfort

FFAToday Aunt Jeanette writes:

Future Farmers of America, Fantastic Future of America, Finest Folks Around, Fabulous Fun-loving All-Around Students – whatever you would like the acronym to stand for, the bottom line is that this group of Future Farmers of America is a reason to celebrate!

Sandy Creek is a small Class C-2 school located in south central Nebraska. Students from five communities attend this “school on the hill,” which was built in a rural setting. But don’t judge a school by its location. These students recently competed at the National FFA Convention held in Louisville, Ky. Not only did they compete, they earned the bragging rights of placing 12th in the nation in Ag Communications, 10th in the nation in Ag Sales, and an individual animal science project placed 12th in the nation! I don’t know about you, but I am impressed!

A good friend of mine accompanied the students on this trip and provided some additional information, which I found interesting. When these students compete at the state and national levels, they are competing against ALL classes of schools – most of which are much, much larger than our school. Some even have five or six ag teachers specializing in certain areas. Sandy Creek has one instructor plus the support and help of parents. That’s it. I am impressed all over again!

Not only are these students understanding the important role of agriculture in their lives, they are learning to be accountable, responsible, professional, comfortable speaking in front of crowds, and they are developing a good work ethic. Now, if you would meet these kids on the street, they would appear to be your normal, average teenagers. After all, they are our neighbors, family friends, members of the same 4-H club, fellow church-goers, and some are my former third grade students. They participate in athletics, music, and numerous other school activities in addition to FFA.

Yes, they appear average, but I think they are awesome!

(Thank you to Rita Shuck for the inside information and pictures.)

Until we walk again …
