2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Serbian Ag Journalists Celebrate Ten Years

Chuck Zimmerman

AgroPressOur friends in the Serbian Association of Agricultural Journalists, AGROPRESS, recently celebrated the organization’s 10th anniversary. That celebration included a tour that began in the Serbian village of Crepaja. The event opened at the modern farm FOTOS (Member of Almex Company) that has more than 300 heifer calves of the Holstein breed.

After a farm tour in Crepaja, the anniversary AGROPRESS awards event was held. The President of AGROPRESS, Goran Djakovic, addressed guests by saying that his organization over the past 10 years has hosted more than 100 tours and events, several significant programs and projects, some of which are best known for general public workshops for rural women entitled “Women Entrepreneurs in Agribusiness ” and a food and drinks fair, “Weekend of good taste”. Since 2008, the Association held the National Conference on “Agribusiness Serbia” and possibilities of improving our country’s agriculture, which brings a huge influx of money from exporting products.

You can see a list of award winners here.

IFAJ, International, Media