2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Learn More About Plant Sap Analysis

Jamie Johansen

Michelle Gregg is the Executive Director for Crop Health Laboratories (CHL) and Leah spoke with her about the new company’s upcoming event and opportunities they have for growers across the country. Part of CHL’s business model is using an existing technology that is new to North America. This new technology is called plant sap analysis which offers a different management option for growers.

The Power Growers Seminar will take place Nov. 7 & 8 in Santa Clara, CA. The educational event will introduce plant sap analysis to growers. Along with data that have been collected through the first year’s trials across North America is various crops.

“The results are really promising especially for greenhouse producers and those who have year-round production models. The purpose of the seminar is to provide connectivity to university researchers, specialty growers and consultants. Allowing them to come together at the same table, have limited and exclusive access to our pilot data, comment and ask questions on the system and give us feedback so we can make the best program possible.”

The Netherlands-based company, NovaCropControl, has been utilizing this technology for 10 years. Michelle says they deserve the credit for creating the technology. There has been significant response to this technology in Europe and Netherlands, which has a high population of greenhouse production.

Michelle said the seminar will truly introduce growers to the concept of having ultimate control of your crops nutrient management program. CHL really wants to gather the perspectives from producers on the East and West coasts, from Canada and everywhere in between.

“We are humbled by some of the responses we are getting. Granted this is our first year in North America, the main responses we are getting is ‘this program really allows me to critically evaluate my nutrient management and verify that what I am putting on my soil is really reaching the target tissue.’ That is one of the benefits of analyzing the sap verses analyzing the tissue itself. You can collect the nutrient information prior to metabolism by the plant.”

Stay tuned for our full coverage of the Power Growers Seminar in just a few weeks. For more information on the event visit www.crophealthlabs.com/sap-analysis-seminar/. Listen to Leah’s complete interview with Michelle here: Interview with Michelle Gregg, Crop Health Laboratories

Agribusiness, Audio, Events, Precision Agriculture, Technology