2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

For Whom the School Bell Tolls

Melissa Sandfort

20141016_081756Families seem to have themes. What I mean by that is some people relish in old barns, and pass that love along to the next generation. Some families are “born into” being a police officer, a fire fighter or a doctor. For my family, I’d say it’s teaching.

As you may or may not know, my Aunt Jeanette taught 3rd grade for 36 years. She could (and should!) write a book about her many experiences in the profession where I’m sure she saw everything under the sun. Another thing you definitely don’t know is that my father, Mr. Farmer himself, got his ag teaching degree from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I can’t imagine my father teaching and believe he went into the right field (no pun intended) – at least combines and tractors don’t talk back! And my grandmother, often featured in AgWalk, used to substitute teach when my brother and I were in grade school.

I have an old school desk upstairs that came from the one-room school just north of where my grandparents live. The schoolhouse is long gone, but my grandpa restored four desks, complete with pen scratches and ink stains. My grandmother’s parents both taught in that schoolhouse.

And, we have an old bell, its origins unidentified, but as grandpa says, it was used to call farmers from the field and children inside from “recess” if they were home-schooled.

On my way to drop kids off at daycare, I pass this old schoolhouse. Maybe it’s just coincidence or maybe the theme continues. Just don’t expect me to go into teaching anytime soon. I’d rather just write about old schoolhouses.

Until we walk again …
