2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Join the Farming Conversation on BeckAgConnects

Jamie Johansen

Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 3.07.20 PMIn agriculture, we see a lot of pushback from consumers who are more and more removed from the farm. If you’ve not put yourself out there as an agricultural advocate, it might seem intimidating. What do you say about growth hormones or GMOs or pesticides? How do you get started?

To address this challenge, USFRA and Beck Ag collaborated to create an online forum for folks in agriculture to share their experiences, ideas and challenges in a secure community without noise and chatter from non-ag audiences. BeckAgConnects is an online community strictly for those who work in the agricultural industry. Almost 16,000 farmers, ranchers, retailers, consultants and other ag professionals currently participate in this unique environment to share information and ideas.

BeckAgConnects will launch the I AM FARMLAND Forum in October, corresponding to the digital release of “FARMLAND,” the film. The forum will feature one-on-one interviews and Q&A discussions with the farmers and ranchers featured in the film. In addition, you can pick up tips and ideas for how to share agriculture’s story with consumers and ways to encourage those not directly involved in agriculture to view the film.

We encourage you to join the conversation and help spread the message about “FARMLAND”, the film, which accurately depicts life as an American farmer and rancher. Stick around to learn about advocating for agriculture and share your own experiences. And because it’s on BeckAgConnects, rest assured that your discussions are among others who care about ag as much as you do.

Ag Groups, Media, USFRA