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Touring CNH Industrial Village

Chuck Zimmerman

CNH Industrial VillageCNH Industrial Village was my first stop last week in Turin, Italy for New Holland Blogger Days. The facility was inaugurated in the fall of 2011 and is set up to sell, support and present the products of New Holland Agriculture as well as other CNH companies like Construction, Iveco and more. Outside there are lots of products on display and inside there is a huge showroom that has interactive displays. You can get a tour if you would like and our group did.

I recorded part of the tour so you can see what it’s is like. An area I liked best was the gallery that traces the history of how the industrial products of CNH Industrial companies have evolved from the early years of the 20th century. You can photos from that section in the photo album.

2014 New Holland Blogger Days Photo Album

Agribusiness, Equipment, New Holland, Video