2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Hereford Breeders Unite for Genetic Summit

Jamie Johansen

Screen Shot 2014-09-04 at 8.56.05 AMI am headed to Springfield, MO today for the Hereford Genetic Summit being held at the Christopher S. Bond Learning Center located at the Darr Agricultural Center on the Missouri State University campus. As a Hereford breeder, this event is near and dear in my heart. Tune in for audio and photos as I capture all the happenings here on Animal.AgWired and on AgWired.com.

The American Hereford Association (AHA) is committed to providing the tools Hereford producers need to supply better genetics to the beef industry, as well as to help Hereford seedstock producers meet the needs of their commercial customers. As beef cattle producers strive to be more profitable, it’s critical that we all continue to focus on end-product merit and on-ranch production efficiencies.

The AHA hosted its last “direction summit” in 2002. A lot has changed in the beef industry and the Hereford breed during the last 12 years. “Hereford Genetic Summit: Get on Board, Navigate Your Future” is the theme chosen for this year’s event. The day-and-a-half conference program will include some of the most influential speakers in the beef industry.

Ag Groups, Animal Health, Beef, Education