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AgWorks User Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Greg Duhachek AgWorksThe 2014 AgWorks User Conference is underway in Davenport, IA. Welcoming us this morning is Greg Duhachek, President. I spoke with him during last night’s reception to get a preview of what this conference is all about. It’s an annual conference to bring customer users together to show new features of their software and share the vision of the company. Speaking of new features, a big topic of training here will be the new AgWorks AgOS Software which was just announced recently. As Greg describes it, “It’s an agricultural operating system.” I’m sure I’ll be learning and sharing more about it during the conference.

You can listen to my interview with Greg here: Interview with Greg Duhachek

You can listen to Greg’s welcoming remarks here: Greg Duhachek Opening Remarks

Photos from the conference can be found here: 2014 AgWorks User Conference Photo Album

Audio, Precision Agriculture, Technology