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NCBA’s Update From Washington

Jamie Johansen

NCBANCBA’s Director of Legislative Affairs, Kristina Butts, was on-hand during last week’s Cattle Industry’s Summer Conference to update producers on current and future issues the Washington office is tackling.

“Washington is always an interesting place in a midterm election year. The one thing NCBA is really focused our efforts on this year is more on the regulatory side of a lot of these proposed rules moving forward out of agencies like the USDA and EPA.”

“Obviously talking about EPA I would be remised if I didn’t talk about their proposed rule on Waters of the United States. This is the largest federal land grab in our country’s history. Anybody that owns land will need to be aware about what this proposed rules means to them and their families operation.”

The EPA was present for last week’s summer meeting to continue the discussion and dialogue with producers in attendance. Kristina voiced the importance of the EPA hearing from the grassroots. The EPA’s proposed rule would remove the word navigable from the Clean Water Act that was put into place by Congress in the 70’s. Kristina goes on to further dissect and explain why we need to all participate in the comment period telling the EPA to ‘Ditch the Rule’.

Other issues NCBA’s Legislative Affairs Director mentioned were trade regulations, Country of Origin Labeling and what the forcast looked like for the upcoming fiscal year 2015.

Listen to my interview with Kristina here: Interview with Kristina Butts, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs, NCBA

View and download photos from the event here: Cattle Industry Summer Conference Photo Album

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Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA