2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

In-Cab Wifi From Ayrstone

Chuck Zimmerman

Bill Moffitt AyrstoneNeed wireless productivity on your farm? Ayrstone is here to help. Bill Moffitt, Founder/President, was on hand at the Ag Media Summit to talk about their new products. The one that caught my eye right off the bat is the one he’s holding. It’s the new AyrMesh Cab Hub.


The AyrMesh Cab Hub mounts in the cab of your tractor, sprayer, combine, or truck to connect the devices in the cab to your network. This allows you to use your smartphone, tablet, or laptop in the fields, as well as collect data from your WiFi-enabled cab computers. The custom-built power cable provides power to the hub, and the magnetic-mount antenna provides a durable outdoor antenna to maximize the Hub’s range. The Cab Hub will connect to a Hub up to 2.5 miles away.

I have used an Ayrstone hub and found it to be easy to set up, reliable and strong wifi. If you’re interested in being part of some farm tests the company is conducting then give them a call.

You can listen to my interview with Bill here: Interview with Bill Moffitt

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Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Internet