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Texas Beef Producers Approve Beef Checkoff Program

Jamie Johansen

Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 9.58.25 AMThe Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) announced that Texas beef producers have voted to establish a state-level Beef Checkoff program. TDA conducted this referendum upon petition by cattle industry organizations under the authorities designed by the Texas Legislature.

“Texas is the largest cattle producing state in the nation, and our beef is among the highest-quality in the world,” says Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples. “As Texas ranchers continue to grow and raise the bar to meet consumers’ tastes and preferences, it is my hope these funds will be in a manner to enhance our producers’ profitability and sustainability of food production.”

The Beef Checkoff is a producer-funded program that will research ways to continue improving Texas beef quality, as well as educate prospective consumers of Texas beef around the world. Texas beef producers will pay a refundable assessment of $1 per head of cattle they sell. Collection of the assessment will begin on Oct. 1, 2014 by the Beef Production and Research Council of Texas (BPRCT).

Texas Cattle Feeders Association (TCFA) leaders serving as members of BPRCT share their excitement in response to the passage of the Texas Beef Checkoff and what it means for the future of the beef in Texas.

Voting on the measure took place June 2-6, 2014. The Beef Checkoff program will be used for the promotion, marketing, research and educational efforts of beef and beef products for prospective consumers of Texas beef around the world.

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Beef, Beef Checkoff