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USFRA Communications Committee Work

Chuck Zimmerman

Food DialoguesThe live streamed Food Dialogues events get all the publicity when they take place with high profile moderators and panelists. However, there’s a lot of work going on “behind the scenes.” In Chicago recently that work included a regular meeting of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance Communications Committee. I visited with two members of the committee.

First up is Chris Galen, Senior Vice President, Communications, National Milk Producers Federation. Chris also serves on the board for USFRA. With a Food Dialogues topic of Integrity in Food Marketing I first asked him what that means to him. He says, “I think most people would agree that integrity is about honesty.” But he goes on to ask if that involves the whole truth, nothing but the truth or can it contain partial shades of truth. An example that was raised during the Food Dialogues was “gluten free orange juice.” When that is used on the label it is true but it implies that orange juice that is not labelled gluten free has gluten in it which would not be true.

When it comes to the work of the USFRA Communications Committee Chris says there are several key items on their agenda. One is to continue to work on the FARMLAND movie project. Making it available to view digitally through services like iTunes, Netflix and Hulu was on the table for discussion.

Interview with Chris Galen

Next up I spoke with Season Solorio, Senior Director, Issues Management, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. She says that besides the FARMLAND movie project the committee is also working on the next phase of the Faces of Farming and Ranching.

Interview with Season Solario

USFRA Food Dialogues Chicago Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Food, USFRA