2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Highlights North American Investment

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-media14-nevinAt the BASF Ag Media Summit today, BASF North America Crop Protection Senior VP Nevin McDougall outlined the continued R&D investment his company is making to bring new agricultural products to market.

“Our global investment is upwards of $2 million a day in agricultural research,” said McDougall. “Many of those research projects have direct application to North America.”

That translates into a multitude of new products scheduled for launch in the next 1-2 years. “Such as Sultan and Nealta (miticides) which will be launched in 2015 and 2016, the launch of Engenia herbicide for dicamba-tolerant crops, the newest formula of dicamba which will be available in the next 12-18 months,” McDougall said. In addition, there’s functional crop care products in the immediate future such as Limus urea inhibitor, which we’ll tell you more about later.

Besides products, McDougall says BASF is very proud of the investment they are making in people to help support farmers in the field.

Find out more in this interview: Interview with Nevin McDougall, BASF

Right now I am on the bus heading out to the BASF Holly Springs research farm where we will see some of these new products in action.

2014 BASF Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Crop Protection