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Ginners Unite at Farm Show

Jamie Johansen

farm-gin-14-robert-royalDuring the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, Chuck spoke with Robert Royal, a cotton farmer and operator of Midnight Gin in Midnight, MS. Robert is also the past President of the Southern Cotton Ginners Association.

“It’s been a wild ride in the cotton market with acreage. Grains have taken a huge chunk out of cotton acreage that was traditionally a big crop in Mississippi. We are weathering that storm and curious to see how things change in the future. We will be a predominately a grain growing state or will cotton be king again?”

As Robert wraps up his term as President, he shared that the overall mission of the association is to make sure the best interests of the organization are at the forefront. They also have a safety program that helps members tackle issues that are hard to do alone.

Regulations continue to be an issue for cotton growers, but Robert said the most concerning issue the industry is facing is low acreage. He has seen many neighboring gins fold because they don’t have the volume to make ends meet.

You can listen to Chuck’s interview with Robert here: Interview with Robert Royal

2014 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show Photo Album

Coverage is sponsored by FMC

Agribusiness, Audio, Cotton, FMC