2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Preserving Our Nations Cotton History

Jamie Johansen

farm-gin-14-anna-mullinsExecutive Director of The Cotton Museum, Anna Mullins, was present at the 3rd Annual Season Starter Party during the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show and sat down with Chuck to share what the museum offers to visitors.

Anna has a strong history in agriculture specifically centered in the south. She grew up around cotton and started her career in ag media working for Cotton International Magazine. There she met a number of cotton traders who were intimately involved in creating the museum and continuing to support it.

“Our museum endeavors to cover the entirety of cotton history. But we focus on the history of the U.S. cotton industry and more specifically on how Memphis was founded as a cotton port and how the cotton industry shaped this city. It covers everything from slavery and share-cropping to modern day cotton growing.”

The museum hosts a party every year during the Gin Show and they consider it a fun way to kick off the growing season. It also it a great opportunity for growers across the south and ag industry reps to take in the lush history cotton has on the U.S.

The Cotton Museum operates on memberships and corporate sponsorships. If you are interested in helping to support their efforts in preserving our nations history checkout their website at MemphisCottonMuseum.org

You can listen to my interview with Anna here: Interview with Anna Mullins

2014 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show Photo Album

Coverage is sponsored by FMC

Ag Groups, Audio, Cotton, FMC