While in the FMC exhibit at the recent Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, Chuck spoke with Don Johnson and Rusty Mitchell about some new products cotton growers can take advantage of.
Rusty shared how proud they are of their newest cotton harvest aid for cotton growers.
“We have Display, our cotton defoliation product, that we launched year. We had very good success with it.” “Very low-rate. Less warehouse space for our customers to stock product compared to competitive products out there in the marketplace.”
FMC is also offering an online web series call The Minute and hosted by Jake Turner. The series will cover growing topics, crops and other agricultural issues. They are also incorporating a Watch and Win Sweepstakes. Account holders who view the online episodes will automatically be entered to win the grand prize – a dream vacation of their choice from one of six destinations. Five first-place winners will receive $500 airfare vouchers and 20 additional winners will receive digital cameras. The sweepstakes entry period ends May 30, 2014. Winners are selected at random and will be notified in June. Sweepstakes rules and regulations are posted online at www.news.FMCMinute.com.
“It gives producers the opportunity to learn about the products we have available now. Help them with their production practices and at the same time a great opportunity to register and win some great prizes.”
Don added the importance of FMC’s presence at the event and how much they enjoy getting the chance to meet and greet their customers.
“This show gives us the opportunity for the growers, dealers, customers and distributors to come in and see what’s new and what our company brings to the market. We always say that a bad show is when the weather is great and they are out there in the field. We always hope for a little rain so it drives them to the show and we can stand here all day and visit with our customers when they come through.”
You can listen to my interview with Rusty & Don here: Interview with Rusty Mitchell & Don Johnson