Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. In this week’s program we’re going to learn about the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation from the past President and the new President.
First up is Tamara Leigh, Shiny Bird Communications, who passed the gavel of leadership during last week’s Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation (CFWF) Conference. Tamara not only does agricultural communications work but also performed as a member of the band, The GMO’s, during the closing awards banquet.
One of the the things that Tamara finds most exciting about the CFWF is the community and the relationships that are built with communications professionals, “We bring together journalists and communicators from across the industry and that allows us to build the relationships that make telling the stories that much easier.” Tamara says that the organization has been going through a period of growth during her term. Two years ago the CFWF hosted the IFAJ Congress and that helped launch this new phase in several ways.
Next up in the program is Lisa Guenther, Grainews, who will now be President of CFWF for a two year term. Lisa is pictured with Sasquatch who paid us a visit just before our closing banquet.
Lisa says that the CFWF has drafted a communications plan and she will continue to work on implementing it. That includes internal communications and raising the profile with mainstream media and recruiting new members. She also mentions the new Legacy Fund which has been created from money the CFWF has accumulated over the years. They are looking at how to best spend and invest the funds for members.
Lisa also gets in a plug for the 2014 CFWF Conference which will be held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Oct. 2-5.
Listen to this week’s program here: Old & New CFWF Presidents
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