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The Food Dialogues Come to Missouri

Jamie Johansen

The Food Dialogues: MissouriThere is no question that Americans have questions about how their food is grown and raised. U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) has responded to this need and produced Food Dialogues. The events have taken place all over the United States and sparked educated conversations about our nation’s food.

Tomorrow Food Dialogues come to Missouri. USFRA along with Missouri Farmers Care will host the state’s panel discussion in Columbia, MO. The event brings together panelist on both sides of the spectrum and gives a chance for the media, along with consumers, to ask questions and get educated answers. Moderator for both panels will be Tom Bradley, Wake Up Columbia’s radio talk show host.

In panel one, animal welfare will be the talking point and will target livestock handling and issues that have arisen in recent years.

Mark Mahnken, Grass-fed Cattle Farmer and Owner, Missouri Legacy Beef
Chris Heins, Dairy Farmer, Heins Dairy
Alan Wessler, DVM, Vice President, Feed Operations and Animal Health of MFA Incorporated
Chris Chinn, Hog Farmer and USFRA Faces of Farming and Ranching Winner
Don Spiers, Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Physiology and sponsor of the University of Missouri Animal Welfare Club, University of Missouri
Travis Tucker, Owner, Bleu Restaurant

In panel two, conversation will encompass hi-tech vs. low-tech and will focus on the need for conventional and organic agriculture to work together to meet consumer demands.

Blake Hurst, Farmer and President of Missouri Farm Bureau
Jim Thomas, Vegetable Farmer and Chairman, and Past President, Missouri Organic Association
Fanson Kidwaro, Ph.D., Department Chair of Agriculture, University of Central Missouri
Dan Shaul, State Director, Missouri Grocer’s Association
Kevin Wells, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Genetics, University of Missouri.
Jennifer Polniak, MS, RD, LD, CDE, Clinical Dietitian and Diabetes Educator at Boone Hospital Center

The best thing about these dialogues is that they are streamed online for all to view and join in. You can watch the event via live-stream here. The event is from 2:00p.m. to 5:15p.m. CDT at Reynolds Journalism Institute.

The Food Dialogues will also take place in Raleigh, North Carolina tomorrow. Panel one asks, “What’s on My Plate?” and panel two questions, “Who is My Farmer?” Dialogue starts at 10:00a.m. EDT.

Education, Farming, Food, USFRA