2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Plant Health – Weather or Not

Cindy Zimmerman

fps13-basf-souljeKeeping plants healthy in all types of weather conditions was the theme of a BASF Crop Protection presentation at the 2013 Farm Progress Show and if there ever was a year of weather extremes, this has been it.

“You can come up with an extreme spell of dryness, an extreme spell of wet weather, you put them together and technically speaking it’s a ‘normal’ distribution of moisture but a producer will tell you it’s anything but,” said meteorologist Greg Soulje. He gave an overview of 2013 weather, how 2012 set the table for this year, and what he expects for the harvest season. Interview with meteorologist Greg Soulje

fps13-basf-kenFarmer Ken Dalenberg of Mansfield, Illinois – who is also an agronomist – talked about his experiences farming in adverse weather conditions and how fungicides are one management tool he has in his toolbox to grow good crops.

Ken says whether it’s late planting like this year or early like last year, fungicides have been important both years to moderate crop stress. “In 2012 when we had the drought, it was important to keep the plant alive as long as we could,” and Ken said the use of fungicides helped slow down respiration and keep yields. “This year, with the early wetness, delayed planting, early wet season and now flash drought…we did have a season that did allow the plant to pollinate and so we should have average to above average yields if we can maintain plant health.” Interview with farmer Ken Dalenberg

fps13-basf-ajBASF’s AJ Woodyard discussed the BASF fungicide portfolio and how they help maintain plant health in all weather condiitons.

“In the corn market, our primary product recommendation is Headline AMP…because it delivers two modes of action that give you the best disease control on the marketplace and number two also give you the most yield benefit,” said AJ. “Priaxor is a recent addition to our portfolio…it brings a unique chemistry into the row crop market that delivers some advance plant health benefits.” Priaxor is recommended for early timing in corn and also soybeans.

Among the benefits that the fungicides offer are disease protection and more efficient utilization of nitrogen in wet weather, as well as improved photosynthesis and reduction of ethylene in dry weather. Interview with BASF's AJ Woodyard

2013 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Farm Progress Show