2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2013 InfoAg Conference Sets Record Attendance

Chuck Zimmerman

Steve Phillips IPNIIt’s all good at the 2013 InfoAg Conference on precision agriculture. Attendance is at a record above 1,100 at current count. Two years ago it was at 700! And now the conference is moving to every year and will be in St. Louis, MO in 2014, Union Station Hilton, July 1-3.

Steve Phillips, Southeast Region Director for the North American program of the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), the host organization for the InfoAg Conference, welcomed us to this year’s event this morning and I visited him on a break. He says that the increase in attendance is something they are seeing at other precision conferences where exhibitor participation is up, sponsorships are up and media coverage is up. With the pace of new technology introductions and adoption a decision was made to go to every year to keep up. A big attraction this year are unmanned aerial vehicles which I still call drones. Several companies are exhibiting them and I hope to visit with them before the event ends.

You can listen to my interview with Steve here: Interview with Steve Phillips

FYI. Internet access is sparse to say the least in the convention hotel so I’ll be posting mostly after the conference this year.

2013 InfoAg Conference Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Precision Agriculture