Before we get to our new ZimmPoll let’s look at the results of our latest one which asked the question, “What is the greatest threat to our freedom to farm”. Our poll results suggest that environmental and anti-agriculture groups are the greatest threat to our freedom to farm at this time.
Our poll results: Twenty percent say All of the Above, eighteen percent say Groups Like HSUS as well as Environmental Wackos, fifteen percent say Climate Change, eleven percent said EPA as well as Congress, and two percent said Labor Force, Supreme Court, No Threats and Other. Results show that there is more than one major threat to our freedom to farm. Now the question is: which one will be the first to take that freedom away?
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “Do you watch or want to watch live or recorded ag news television programs online?” Many things are being done via online resources due to technological advances and improvements. Daily lives are becoming so busy that there doesn’t leave much time to sit down to watch television or read the newspaper. People resort to going “online” for news resources and TV episodes using smart phones and tablets while they are on the “run”. Does this sound like you? Let us know.
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