RFA Ethanol Podcast

Multiplier Effect of IFAMA Student Involvement

Cindy Zimmerman

ifama-13-studentsA panel at the Student Summit luncheon at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) World Forum last week showcased the “multiplier effect” that IFAMA has for the industry. It also shows the tremendous commitment of Novus International to bringing along future talent.

ifama-13-novus-tomasTomas Murtagh has been with Novus International for five years now as a business and financial analyst based in Brazil, after being involved in the student case competition in 2006. “It’s a good chance for students to sit down with industry leaders, with the Novus’, the Monsantos, the Coca Colas out there,” he said. “It’s not just networking, it’s educational as well.” It was through contacts with IFAMA that got the opportunity with Novus.

Listen to Tomas’ comments here Tomas Murtagh, Novus International

ifama-13-novus-internsYiwei Yan and Mingxuan Liu from China were on the 2012 winning student case competition team from Nanjing Agricultural University and are now both interns for the summer with Novus International. Yiwei is working with the HR department of Novus and is attending the University of Georgia, while Mingxuan (Micky), who will receive her PhD next month, was quite active at the forum greeting people and helping them get to where they were going.

“This is a big event for us to help us understand more about the industry,” said Yiwei. “From here we can know how to use our knowledge in reality and not just specialize in one single field.”

Micky’s exuberance and outgoing personality has paid off for her in helping her team win last year at IFAMA in Shanghai and with her internship this year at Novus, which has helped her see different sides of IFAMA. “This year as an intern I have a wider horizon as to what the whole of IFAMA is,” she said. “We can see what the role we are going to play and who we are going to be in the future.”

Listen to comments from Yiwei and Micky here: Novus student interns from China

Also, in case you missed it, be sure to listen to my interview with Novus CEO Thad Simons, new president of IFAMA, in which he talks about how important the IFAMA student program is to Novus and to the industry as a whole. Interview with Novus CEO and IFAMA president Thad Simons

IFAMA 23rd World Forum Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Novus International