Before we get to our new Zimmpoll let’s look at the results of our latest one which asked the question, “ What is your opinion of Senate immigration bill?” From our poll results it looks like you want to see changes to the immigration bill.
Our poll results: Forty-one percent said Border Security First! Sixteen percent said Bad Deal Overall, Fourteen percent said Needs Improvement, eleven percent said Will Never Pass House, eight percent said Great For America, and six percent said Good For Agriculture and Other. Not many are happy with the immigration farm bill as it stands. We will see what changes are made as it advances to the next level.
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “How concerned are you about the government having your private data?” Recent information privacy scandals with the EPA and NSA have brought the issue of privacy to the forefront. A lot of agricultural information in digital form is being collected by various services, including the government. How do you feel about it now? Let us know.
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