2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Vaccinator Helps Pigs Drink to Health

Cindy Zimmerman

wpx13-bivi-pump2Our two sponsors for World Pork Expo this year were both advocating the delivery of some of their animal health products to swine by injecting them into the water supply. For Novus, it was organic acids for improved gut health and for Boehringer Ingelheim it was the easy administration of oral vaccinations.

In both instances, however, it is important to make sure the proper amount of the product is added to the water supply during a certain time frame to ensure that all the pigs get the proper dosage. That’s where the Stenner Vaccinator Pump comes in and I talked with Jesse McCoy, Water Quality division manager for Ivesco Technical Services, about it.

wpx13-bivi-jesse“This pump makes oral vaccination or supplement addition easier and that’s the whole goal,” Jesse said. “The idea behind the pump was have a fixed vaccine amount and run it over the six hours that all the data shows every pig’s going to get a dose.” The pump also takes out the variables of time of day and weather allowing producers much more flexibility.

Jesse says Ivesco not only sells the pumps, they actually helped develop the unique product. “It’s been a really great collaboration between Boehringer Ingelheim‘s team, Stenner’s team and Ivesco’s team to bring it to the market,” he said, noting that they had great response to the product at the expo.

Find out more in this interview with Jesse: Interview with Ivesco's Jesse McCoy

Visit the 2013 World Pork Expo photo album.

Animal Health, Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novus International, Swine, World Pork Expo