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Ag Leader’s Educator Training

Melissa Sandfort

Insights WeeklyAg Leader’s 4th annual Educator’s Training will be held on Aug. 6-8 at Ag Leader Academy. The program is designed for institutions that are teaching precision ag practices to their students either in the classroom or in the field with the purpose of educating institutions on Ag Leader’s various services and products, as well as to provide hands on demonstrations of Ag Leader’s product lineup.

Tyler Anderson, Ag Leader software support specialist, says Ag Leader is helping to cultivate the next generation of precision ag specialists in the job field, whether it’s back home on their own farms, at Ag Leader or as a precision farming dealer.

Listen to Anderson explain

Anderson also says, “These ‘educating the educator’ sessions help students understand where precision ag might fit into their future.” Here’s what people can look forward to.

Listen to Anderson explain

Please contact Tyler Anderson or Adam Walters at 515-232-5363 or if you are interested in attending, need more information regarding the training, or are interested in learning about Ag Leader’s Educational Solutions program.

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Ag Leader, Agribusiness