2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bug Eating Festival

Chuck Zimmerman

Bug Eating FestivalGot bugs? Then go to the 6th Annual Bug Eating Festival.

It’s a zany experience, party and potluck where people come together to learn about, and experience, eating insects. Alan Davisson is the co-host for the evening. In between grilling up and passing around plates of freshly cooked bugs, Alan offers the lore of edibility, preparing, cooking, and eating insects.

I’m going to pass on this one. But in case you are interested it will be held on Saturday, June 29, 2013 at Zilker Park in Austin, TX starting about 7:00 p.m. Oh, and bring your own bugs. It looks like this is put on by Marjory Wildcraft, Grow Your Own Groceries.

This will be a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bugs to share) party so start catching them early so we have lots! They can be stored in a bag in the freezer until the festival, but get an early start so we have a swarm.

This will also be a ‘normal’ potluck so bring a dish of ordinary food to share. Bring a dish large enough to feed 8 hungry people.

June Bugs are out now around the lights at night…. bag lots of them + freeze em.
Grasshoppers, crickets, katydids… keep them alive overnight so they get a chance to “purge” then freeze em.
Wasp nests… into a jar with the whole nest… NOTHING will be wasted.
Wolf Spiders… put on a headlamp and their eyes glow like green laser emeralds at night. They taste like chicken but they’ll eat each other so keep em separate.
Grubs… new on our menu this year… not for the faint of heart.
Mealworms…. Usually from the pet store but we wouldn’t want to miss em!
Scorpians – yum, yum, the best of the flavors – bring as many as you can. They show up yellow at night under a black light.

Bring any other insects you find and we will put Alan to the test to see if he knows the edibility of it. Last year, the kids brought a walking stick and munched it down. Ooossshh.

Farming, Food